Field Trip

Now that we have downsized we have been enjoying a couple of Saturdays meandering the back roads.  Today, we explored the Brattleboro Area Farmer’s Market in Vermont.  They have been around for 45 years, have lots of vendors and they bought the land.  It was a weedy, overgrown area along the river and they cleaned… Continue reading Field Trip

CSA Sign Ups Ending Soon…

OK folks, if you’ve procrastinated and put it off, now is the time to pick a CSA.  Yep there are tons out there.  How do you decide?  Our CSA is a bit different from the standard ones out there.  A little bit about ours: We are stewards of the soil.  We feed the soil what… Continue reading CSA Sign Ups Ending Soon…

Food Matters

Keith and I attended the Tedx Manhattan Changing the Way we Eat Viewing Party today in Concord. It was a free event with donated food for both lunch and dinner. This streamed live from New York City. The event was about what different organizations are doing in the United States from bringing local food to… Continue reading Food Matters